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Distance Measurement

Distance Measuring is done in a number of different ways most commonly through an analog signal based on a target’s distance from the sensing device. Most of these sensors will run on 24VDC and give a variable signal either 4-20mA or 0-10V output.

ISE Controls in Indianapolis, Indiana offers many quality technologies for distance measuring from the best brands on the market.

The first variable to look at when selecting the proper technology is if a mechanical linkage can be made between the sensor and the material being detected. This is many times determined by the specific application but examples of mechanically linked devices would be transducers and encoders. LVDT sensors are also available but require the sensor head actually coming into contact with the surface of the product being measured.

If a mechanical linkage is not able to be made, the surface cannot be touched, or if it is just easier for mounting we can use a non-touch method to measure the distance such as LED, laser, ultrasonic, or inductive sensors.  We prefer to use non-touch methods if at all possible, due to the lack of wear and tear on the device, during the physical movement.



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