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Hokuyo is the manufacturer of the world’s smallest safety laser scanner. This product is revolutionizing the safety scanner market with its size and price. This scanner is the best pound for pound and dollar for dollar safety scanner on the market.

This very small safety scanner can be used in mobile and stationary applications that demand a compact size and lower weight to satisfy industrial needs. It is a versatile sensor for presence detection, collision prevention and intrusion protection.

The UAM-05LP is a safety scanning device used for zone guarding close to production machining areas and observing the travel path of moving vehicles. Utilizing the TOF (Time of Flight) operative principle for distance measurement, the scanner can calculate the time throughout which a pulse-emitted beam is mirrored back from any detected object within a 270º scanning angle. Any object or person getting into the user created warning and protection zones will initiate an output for stopping a machine or automatic guided vehicle. The protective laser scanner permits users to simply configure straightforward or advanced protection and/or warning zones to satisfy their particular application needs. To ensure safety in a compact size, the UAM is a perfect answer for preventing a probable unsafe occurrence in several industrial sectors. The UAM-05LP is additionally equipped with an Ethernet interface for getting distance information and intensity output values.

File Name File Size
Hokuyo Sentek 10 MB
Hokuyo Safety 4 MB