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FVDK 10N66Z0/S35A Fiber Optic Sensor

Unit Price $341.11

FVDK 10N66Z0/S35A, Fiber Optic Sensor, Rectangular Shape, 260 mm Sensing Distance

Part Number11214494
Availability Stock to 2 weeks
Datasheet Datasheet

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LFG-1020-050, Fiber Optic Sensor 50 mm 25 mm Bending Radius

Product Attributes

  • Rectangular
  • 260 mm
  • 940 mm
  • Teach-In
  • Pulsed Red LED
  • 2 x 4-Digit Display
  • 660 nm
  • 0.25 to 5 ms (Adjustable)
  • Yellow LED
  • Light/Dark Operate Switchable
  • NPN
  • <100 mA
  • 10.8 to 26.4 V dc
  • 30 mA
  • Polycarbonate/ABS
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • M8 4-Pin Connector
  • 33.8 x 10 x 70.2 mm
  • IP 40
  • -20 to +55 °C
  • CE Certified
