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Hitachi WJ200

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Because Hitachi is by far the world’s largest producer of IGBT’s, which are one of the main components in any Variable Frequency Drive, they are capable of designing a drive that will out-perform all its competitors. The WJ200 family of Hitachi drives has the ability to produce high torque at very low speeds when you need it in your application.

Part NumberN/A
Availability Stock to 2 weeks

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Because Hitachi is by far the world’s largest producer of IGBT’s, which are one of the main components in any Variable Frequency Drive, they are capable of designing a drive that will out-perform all its competitors. The WJ200 family of Hitachi drives has the ability to produce high torque at very low speeds when you need it in your application. By this one benefit, you can be assured that the Hitachi WJ200 will meet your application requirements when all others fall short. This ability is standard in the entire family of WJ200 drives but the competitive pricing of the drive is not compromised. In addition, the WJ200 can in some cases replace your PLC. It has I/O on board and can be programmed to through its EzSQ programming to perform functions usually reserved for the separate PLC.
•    Product range from single phase 230VAC input ¼ HP to 3 phase 480VAC 20HP
•    Sensorless Vector mode available through parameter settings
•    200% torque at ½ Hz attainable for 1 minute
•    Network compatibility

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